Monday, October 1, 2007

More Shelby!

We have not blogged in some time and I am now catching up with it. Shelby has not been sleeping at night and I finally found some time to post some pictures.

Shelby has got some long legs.

Shelby loves to make funny faces.


Ross and daddy watching college football.


Kelsey said...

She really is stretching out! She is too adorable! I need to kiss those cheeks!

Anonymous said...

I promise that it is going to get soooo much better. These first few weeks are such a big adjustment, but you'll soon be benefiting from her beautiful smiles and won't even be able to really remember all of these hard times. Sounds cliche and maybe even annoying, but it's a promise. She's beautiful and yes, now both of my brothers have clones :)!! I love you and will be praying for your sleep and sanity!
Love, Kristi

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!!! She's a snuggle bunny looks like to me. Give her Kisses for me!