Thursday, November 8, 2007

2 Months

Shelby was officially two months yesterday. She went to the doctor to get her shots. I was really not looking forward to this. I HATE shots and I was really sad that Shelby was going to have to get them. Grandma and I took her to the doctor because dad had to work. Sounds like a good excuse to me. When we went in and took her clothes off to be weighed and measured the nurse said, "she looks like a 3 month old". "Are you sure she is not a 3 month old?" Well Shelby weighed 13 lbs. 4 ozs. (95th percentile) and she measured 25.5 inches (too tall to even register on the chart). We have a little amazon for a daughter, but we are perfectly happy with that. The next nurse came in to give her the shots. She said, "she's huge". It is a good thing that I am use to everyone saying that. Shelby got 4 shots and one vaccine orally. Grandma knows how much I HATE shots. Did I mention that? Grandma told me to leave and she would stay with her. Since Grandma is a nurse this was business as usual for her. I did go down the hall and heard Shelby scream once. She did very well. She has been running a fever but even though she did not feel good last night she was still smiling at us. The doctor noticed her size also and he said whatever you are doing keep doing it. When I called Ross to tell him how big she was he said, "that is how we grow them".

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